Yoga for Allergies

Allergies and sinus pain are caused by inflammation and stress can make symptoms worse, so keeping up with our regular yoga practice (even if modified) will keep stress at bay and symptoms manageable.

First, try some Inversions.

Why? You place your head below your heart, which aids in circulation and drainage of the lymphatic system relieving pressure in the head and sinuses. Physical pressure on the chest and neck in this pose may encourage some movement of the stuck fluid as well. 

Note: Big inversions like shoulder stand or headstand may increase the feeling sensation in your head, so do them for a shorter amount of time if this occurs or try these gentler versions.

1. Downward Facing Dog- as mentioned, depending on the level of pressure you are feeling in your head, you may modify the time you hold this pose, but this is a great place to start. Move the head side to side to massage the muscles in the neck as you breathe deeply.

2. Fish Pose- Opening your throat and lungs in fish pose can help you breathe better by expanding the lungs to their full capacity. This pose also provides relief to the muscles around the ribs that may be sore from coughing and sneezing.

3. Supported Shoulderstand-(place a rolled blanket under the shoulders, parallel to the top of your mat, let the head land off the blanket). This provides similar benefits to fish pose but with added benefits of opening up the muscles at the base of the skull, back of the neck, and ear where pressure tends to accumulates.

4. Plow pose- tight muscles can constrict the flow of fluid and limit the drainage process. This pose helps to open up tight muscles in the areas where allergies affect us most and provide some relief.

Do some Backbends:

1. Supported Bridge pose- soothes the muscles around the ribs and the muscles in the throat. Opening up the chest will allow for easier breathing. Use a block under the hips for support for an optimal opening experience. 

2. Wheel pose- opens the entire front line of the body, allowing for more lung capacity and bigger breathing capacity.   

Breathe, Yogic Style:

1. Pranayama- Increases lung capacity and boosts the immune system by reducing stress making us more ready to fight allergens and colds!

Practice Nadi Shodhana, also known as alternate nostril breathing to open up the sinuses. See the post on my blog for instructions.

2. Check out this out-oneOeight  has an short online class available hosted by Rachel Brathen, click on the “Move” Category and search “Allergy”.



Joanna Converse